Altar Society
The Altar Society's Mission is to serve and honor God by helping to maintain and beautify the Lord's house.
In particular, the Society takes care of the Lord's banquet table for the daily celebration of the Eucharist.
The Society provides weekly Sanctuary flowers, as well as flowers arrangements for church feast days, celebration of the sacraments such as first Communion and Confirmation, graduation, and other special celebrations in the parish. In addition to providing flowers, the Society purchases and cares for sacred linens, altar server robes, chasubles, albs and stoles, altar cloths, patents and cruets and maintains the holy water fonts. It participates in the Annual Diocesan Layette Shower, and assists in the parish festival. The Society fosters spiritual growth by sponsoring an annual members' retreat.
All adults are eligible. Because some items we handle are heavy, men are particularly welcome to join. Meetings are held four times a year.
For further information please contact Lisa Miller: 408-506-6653.