
Baptism is the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through water, we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ.* Anyone who has not yet been baptized is able to receive the sacrament of baptism.
For Regular Baptisms (up to age 7): Scheduled on Sundays
Baptism Requirements
Parents need to meet with one of our priests or Sister Sara Michael King. Please call the parish office at 408-251-7055 to set up an appointment.
Parents and godparents must attend a Baptism Preparation class within the last 3 years. **
A copy of the child's birth certificate must be submitted (or a Declaration of Paternity if parents are not married).
Godparents need to be practicing Catholics and must be fully initiated in the Catholic faith (must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Communion, Confirmation).
If Godparent is married, he/she must be married in the Catholic church.
When there are two Godparents, one has to be male and the other female.
If family doesn't live within St. Victor parish boundary, they need to get a permission letter from their parish allowing them to have their child baptized at St. Victor.
Baptism Classes and Preparation required, at a Fee of $100, to have a child baptized with the regular Sunday schedule.
For Private Baptisms: (Scheduled outside of our regular Sunday schedule) -- to be considered based on availability of the church and of a priest
All of the Baptism Requirements stated above.
Baptism Classes and Preparation required, at a Fee of $200, to have a child baptized privately (outside the regular Sunday schedule).
Baptism Preparation classes are on Thursdays (not every week) from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Parish Center
Regular Baptisms are on Sundays @ 2:00 p.m.
Private Baptisms will be considered based on availability of the church and of a priest
Baptisms of Adults and of Children over age 7:
Adults preparing for Baptism follow the RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Children over the age of seven are prepared through the Children's Catechumenate. Please call Sister Sara Michael King at the Parish Office for information regarding the Adult and Children's Catechumenate: 408-251-7055.