Couples for Christ (CFC) is a movement intended to renew and strengthen the Christian family. Moved by the Holy Spirit, one with the Catholic Church, we are committed to live in God's righteousness and holiness, evangelizing people through a life of love and service. We work for the renewal of families that will serve God and build generations of Christian leaders; and we pursue Total Christian Liberation through social justice, respect for life, and work with the poor.
The Couples for Christ at St Victor is a parish-based community which seeks to preserve and promote our PRO-GOD, PRO-LIFE, PRO-FAMILY, and PRO-POOR identity. We strive to live out this identity through active participation and service within the parish and within the global CFC community including :
PRO-GOD: * Catholic Pastoral Formation Teachings and Bible studies designed to educate and form members into better Christians.
* Parish Choir, Simbang Gabi, Vacation Bible Camp
PRO-LIFE: * West Coast Walk for Life, Walk for Babies, Theology of the Body
PRO-FAMILY: * Marriage Enrichment Retreats for married couples
* Activities, assemblies, and retreats for the youth (age 13-18) under the Youth for Christ (YFC) Ministry and young kids (age 5-12) Kids for Christ ( KFC ) Ministry
* Activities, assemblies, and retreats for young singles ( Singles for Christ Ministry (SFC) ), for mature singles , divorced, and widowed men ( Servants of the Lord Ministry (SOLD) ) and women ( Handmaids of the Lord Ministry (HOLD) ).
PRO-POOR: * Child sponsorship for the education of poor children.
* Community development of poor communities including building of homes, livelihood projects, and health education
For more information, visit our St Victor Couples for Christ website at this address : http://www.cfcsanjose.org or call the Parish Office at (408) 251-7055.