The Legion of Mary is a worldwide Catholic lay apostolate dedicated to personal sanctification and evangelization of people. It is the only Catholic organization in Communist China that exists today. Evangelization consists of weekly assignment given by the president or the spiritual director.
Founded on September 7, 1921 in Dublin, Ireland by Frank Duff, “the object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active cooperation, under ecclesiastical guidance in Mary’s and the Church’s work of crushing the head of the serpent and advancing the reign of Christ.” (Legion Handbook) The Legion of Mary is a worldwide apostolic organization of lay Catholics engaged in the many works of evangelization, social service and Catholic action and always working in cooperation and guidance of the Ordinary and the Parish priest. Thus, the Legion of Mary seeks every soul and aims to bring it ever closer to God and the Church. It is an association for the “service in the warfare which is perpetually waged by the Church against the world and its evil powers.” (Legion Handbook) Its spirit is that of Mary herself, one of perfect obedience, profound humility, angelic sweetness, continual prayer and mortification.
Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary’s system of apostolic action can be described as focused and sustained towards winning souls for Christ. As Mary’s Army, discipline and commitment are asked from among its members. Therefore, as required by the local needs of every parish, Legion members are required to attend the Weekly Meeting and perform substantial apostolic works such as visitation of homes, ministering to the sick, homebound, those in prison and the people on the street. In every personal contact made, the Legionary sees the loving face of Christ in others and gives hope to the hopeless and assures all of God’s love and mercy. In that one seemingly meaningless contact one could make the difference in the spiritual life of that person.
Membership in the Legion is open to all Catholics in good standing – men, women, young adult and children (5 years and above) are all welcome to take part in the Church’s apostolic mission in the salvation of souls.
For more information, please contact Vivian Trinidad,1-408 923-9089 (
Please visit the Legion of Mary site or visit the San Francisco Senatus website where our Praesidium of St. Victor’s Our Lady Queen of Victory is affiliated with:
NOTE: There is a beautiful website devoted to Our Lady maintained by the University of Dayton. It is called The Mary Page.
Legion of Mary's Tessera