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  1. Do you know someone who would like to become Catholic or hear more about the Catholic faith?

  2. Do you know someone who was baptized in another Christian religion who would like to know what Catholics believe?

  3. Do you know a baptized Catholic who would like to receive the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation?


For anyone who answers "YES" to any of the questions listed above, we offer an adult-oriented process of preparation for the sacraments and/or entry into the Catholic Church. The RCIA is an ongoing process with meetings on Tuesday evenings.


For additional information, please call the Parish Office: (408) 251-7055.  


Our RCIA Candidates (baptized) and our Elect (unbaptized) participate in 3 Scrutinies on the third, fourth, and fifth Sundays of Lent. At each Scrutiny, the Candidates and Elect are presented to the Church community, who prays for them so they may successfully endure temptation and be strengthened in Christ. We should all pause to remember and to thank God for the good people who taught us the faith, whether they are parents, grandparents, teachers, friends or neighbors. God has worked through them mightily. May He also mightily work through us to share our faith with others!

RCIA 2024

At the Easter Vigil of March 30, St. Victor Parish joyfully welcomed five new members to the Church who were fully initiated with their sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion. Congratulations to:
Kevin Nguyen        Jason Nguyen
  Skyla Nguyen       Giovani Nguyen
Mariah Nguyen

Pius X Catechist Awards

May 26, 2022: 

The St. Pius X awards recognize and honor those catechetical volunteers who have generously and lovingly given of themselves in service to the community. This year there were two St Victor Catechists who were honored for their 20 years of service:

 Pat Smith and Judi Smith. We thank and congratulate them!

© 2013 by St. Victor Catholic Church. all rights reserved | 3108 Sierra Road, San Jose, CA 95132 | Phone: (408) 251-7055

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