Youth & Young Adult - UnI Lord
UnI Lord Ministry came from the idea for the next generation of our Catholic faith to have a strong relationship with our Lord. The name speaks for itself: UnI Lord: You and I, Lord. Our Ministry focuses on You and the Lord and gather to promote the teachings of our Catholic faith through community involvement (service), worship and praise.
The UnI Lord Ministry is an umbrella for both the youth and young adults at St. Victor. The Youth Ministry are for those ages 13 to 18 years of age (or for students in 8th to 12th grade) and the Young Adult Ministry (YAM) are for adults ages 18 to 40 years old. These age brackets are guidelines for individuals, so we invite any interested Catholics to partake in the many activities that both ministries encompass. Youth & Young Adult (Y&YA) Ministry offer opportunities separately as well as combined. Below is more information about each ministry.
Youth Ministry
Students a part of our Youth Ministry have the opportunity to find companionship in each other through service opportunities while serving the St. Victor Parish and neighborhood. We pray and worship together as many students involved in this ministry are enrolled in our Catechetical Ministry classes in the Junior High, Confirmation 1 and Confirmation 2 classes. We are visible at our 5:00 pm Sunday mass as students are represented in the Youth & Young Adult Choir and as Ushers. Youth Ministry is also involved with donating bagged lunches to Loaves & Fishes, holding an annual bake sale in order to adopt a family during the Christmas season through St. Vincent de Paul, being active at Walk For Life (a walk to help stop abortion) West Coast held in San Francisco, CA, holding a Coat Drive for Sacred Heart Community Service as well as holding a Spaghetti Dinner fund raiser. There is no limit for the participation that the Youth Ministry will become involved in.
For all students participating in any activity offsite from St. Victor Parish, a permission slip is always required.
Young Adult Ministry (YAM)
Young adults are considered to be single, married, unemployed, in college, receiving a higher degree, a seminarian, living with parents, living on their own, have children, working professional, newly working, etc. As you can see, this list encompasses every aspect of those ages between 18 – 40 years old. Our Young Adult Ministry responds to the needs of those within this
age group and is committed to build a stronger Catholic faith for individuals within our community at St. Victor. YAM also supports the activities that our Youth Ministry and has gatherings of their own. We welcome ideas and suggestions from all on what this ministry would like to partake in. Information about YAM’s events and activities will be posted in the Parish
weekly bulletin as well as being announced at the end of mass.
Annual Jr High Retreat
The 2024 Jr. High Retreat was on Saturday, November 16, with the theme of "Remembering Jesus - WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?)". Students learned more about how they can remember Jesus in their everyday lives and by thinking "WWJD" before they act/behave. Activities included group discussions, games, arts & craft, and a Scavenger Hunt. The Retreat also included attending the 5:00 pm Saturday mass where students received a blessing from the congregation. Families joined us for the closing with discussions on how to remember Jesus as a family. We ended the night with a homemade Italian dinner.

Catch a glimpse of our
UnI Lord Activities
For Youth and Young Adult Volunteers:
More Information
Contact Debbie Santos at our Catechetical Ministry Office to learn more about each or both ministries. She can be reached at (408) 928-1636, debbie.santos@dsj.org.
We welcome your gifts, talents and dedication to be involved with our UnI Lord Ministry. Contact us today and Spread the Word.
You can find our ministry under UnI Lord Youth & Young Adult Ministry on Facebook. “Like Us” to stay in touch with us and our events.